&hint1=I am a granite statue& &hint2=I was completed in the 13th Egyptian dynasty, c.1490 BCE& &hint3=I combine traditional female and male imagery as a means of conveying power& &hint4=I am an Egyptian queen& &choices=Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius;Triad of Khamerernebty, Menkaure and Hathor;Standing obelisk of Hatshepsut;Lamassu (human-headed winged bulls);Bayeux Tapestry, detail of Ubi Harold Sacramentum Fecit;Kneeling figure of Hatshepsut& &answer=Kneeling figure of Hatshepsut& &search=Kneeling Hatshepsut& &title=Kneeling figure of Hatshepsut, New Kingdom, Deir-el-Bahari, Egypt& &artist=& &medium=Red granite& &date=Dynasty XVIII, c.1490 BCE& &location=Egyptian Museum, Berlin& &dimensions=&